Leak Bio さんのプロファイル

The African American Cultural Festival history

To truly appreciate  African American Cultural Festival, we must first delve into its rich history. It all began in the early 20th century when African Americans across the United States sought to celebrate their cultural identity. These celebrations evolved, culminating in what we know today as the African-American Cultural Festival. The number one author of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson, with input and revisions from other committee members, including John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. The document eloquently asserted the colonies’ rights and laid out the reasons for their separation from British rule. It famously begins with the words: “We hold these truths to be self-evidential, that all men are created equal, that they are endows by their Creator with certain unalienated Rights, that among these are Life and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The African American Cultural Festival history
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The African American Cultural Festival history

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