A compilation of print pieces I have designed for Grosvenor Casinos.

In cases like these, in which I am quite restricted when it comes to branding, I focus on coming up with an eye-catching layout that helps present the message in the best possible way. I make sure there's visual narrative, good hierarchy and a visual rhythm.

Especially when there's a lot of copy, I try come up with a font layout and hierarchy that allows higher readability and makes it easier to digest.

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New Branding - 2023

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Premium Venues - 2023

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Interim Branding - 2022

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Barracuda - 2022
Grosvenor Casinos - 2022 to 2023

Image Credits
Two posters mock-up: Designed by Vectorium / Freepik
Grosvenor Print

Grosvenor Print
