MOOve is a foldable and portable table that encourages you to switch up your working environment every now and then. It is a floor sitting table with elements that make working more convenient. It also functions as a portable table that can be utilised for any occasion. 

Having to change your work environment on a regular basis might be tough; MOOve allows you to have a work ‘desk’ anywhere and everywhere. The colors black and orange are utilised to create a bold and eye-catching appearance that exudes excitement and creativity.

A versatile table that gives you the luxury of working anywhere at any time.
Ideation & Research 

In a world where a large part of the workforce spends hours slouched in front of a computer or sprawled on the couch at home, it rings a warning bell one cannot ignore. A change of environment when working not only encourages movement but also sparks creativity.

Sitting on the floor has long been part of Japan’s way of life. In traditional homes, people eat and sleep on straw floor mats known as tatami.

Based on my research, I discovered that most working individuals slouch at their workstations on a daily basis and have no change in surroundings during their work day.

The workplace offers limited alternative workspaces, and finding a different place to work is constrained by a shortage of resources like available desks.


