Project weHop - Development of Interactive jumping pads to improve the physical activity in children and Adults
• UX/UI Designer
• Software Developer
Design & Development Tools
• Figma
• Miro
• Unity
• Arduino
Project Brief
Theme of the project - Movement 

Research conducted by Generation Pep, a non profit organization working to spread knowledge and create commitment around the health of children and young people revealed that immediate actions need to be performed in order curb the current decline in the physical activities in children per day.
The Problem
- 2 out of 10 children reach the recommendations of at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day

- There is an increase of 37% of strokes within people aged 15-29, and that obesity of the population has increased three-folded compared to the 1980’s

- Average school yard decreased by 3.7sqm/pupil in the years 2014 - 2016

- Children from families with lower socioeconomic status may be at a high risk of being affected by this.

The Solution
- Investigate highschools to see the activities performed during recess
- Research existing solutions to see how they can be improved upon
- Generate various ideas then narrow it one
- Perform cost and effort estimations for the chosen idea
- Pitch the idea - provide sketches and documentation of the expected features
- Upon approval build high fidelity mockups
- Build a market ready product
Developement process

project activity breakdown
weHop vs Competition
- Instant visual and audio feedback with tangible interaction- -
- Multipurpose with a growing library of classic or unique games, both multiplayer and singleplayer
- Looking into: Modularity plus expandability and educational features
Final Product
- Unity interface for selecting game mode
- Fully functional interactive jumping pads
- Change between two orientation (circle and straight-line)
- Jump and Have fun
Unity Interface
Product Exhibition
Pending Patent
- Isometric and Orthographic drawing of the jumping pad
- Provides full details about the products assembly and the different components in use

Thank you!


