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Vincent's Curse #FrightNight - DAZ 3D

— Just Vincent —
Character based on Fright Night's - Peter Vincent (2011)
Peter Vincent has been a focus of the Fright Night films since the 1980s. Initially, portrayed as a failing old fuddy-duddy TV magician played by the infamous British/Irish actor Roddy McDowell.

However, more recently, the character has been, if you will excuse the pun, 'revamped' and updated to appear more gothic, Criss Angel/ Russell Brandish. With a seductive new wardrobe, including exceptionally tight leather pants, tattoo's and guyliner to match, the role was reprised in 2011 and was taken on by British Film / TV actor David Tennant. (Doctor Who and Broadchurch)
However, I should point out. Vincent was never portrayed as a vampire in the movies. The main vampire was Jerry Dandridge, portrayed by Chris Sarandon in the '85 version and Colin Farrell in 2011. So, the artwork shown is NOT a canon piece and is purely conceptual.

— Vincent's Curse —

— The Concept
Vincent's Curse is the stuff of fiction. A fanfic idea I drafted a few years ago that has yet to come to fruition. Perhaps, one day, I will consider turning it into a serious project.
Insatiable Appetite
His desire to feed on the undead during the twilight hours had become a wanton obsession. And so he waited…
— One Last Bite? — -—
Relinquish My Soul —
As cacophonies of sirens fills the air, Vincent draws his last blood and flees towards the confinements of the city's cemetery walls. His lust for the undead is out of control. Which means there is only one solution left. The one he fears above all else.
— The Postwork Stage —
The character comes to life in the latter stages. (I know. A contradictory comment, given that Vincent is being depicted, in the act of ending it)! To achieve his dying state, I rendered two separate scenes. The first with the character present, the second is with the character hidden. From here on the render is post worked in PS.
Unhappy with the wings in their raw state, I considered painting them like feathers, but aware this would take time, I made the conscious decision to make them look more like a bat.
Character Info: A commercially licensed poseable 3D character, using the DAZ Generation 4 ++Morphs model. It has been meticulously crafted and re-textured using commercially licensed skins and 3D products.

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Vincent's Curse #FrightNight - DAZ 3D
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Vincent's Curse #FrightNight - DAZ 3D

A collation of four conceptual personal DAZ Studio Projects, inspired by the 2011 remake of Vampire film — Fright Night

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