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Redesign Mini Game Zalopay

Zalopay Mini Game Illustrator Redesign Project

      The Zalopay Mini Game Illustrator Redesign Project is a project to redesign the illustrations for the Zalopay mini game app. The project aims to create a more modern and playful look for the app, while still maintaining the brand's signature blue color.
     The project includes three mascot characters
      The new illustrations are designed to be more appealing to a younger audience. They are also more interactive, with features that allow users to play with the characters.
    The project is still in progress, but it is already making a positive impact on the Zalopay mini game app. The new illustrations are more engaging and visually appealing, and they are helping to attract new users to the app.  

Redesign Mini Game Zalopay

Redesign Mini Game Zalopay
