Profil Ilyass El Machouat

Kindred Academy - Brand Identity

Throughout this creative journey, we embark on a mission to solve the intricate puzzle of designing an identity that not only visually appeals but also emotionally resonates with the audience. 

We navigate through the complexities of color, typography, and imagery, carefully selecting each element to convey our commitment to excellence in education.

As the designer, I confidently embraced the challenge of creating a logo that truly captures the essence of the academy's core values and identity. The result is a powerful visual representation of the academy's unwavering commitment to education and the paramount importance of students in everything they do. 

At the heart of the logo lies the traditional academia/university symbol, which embodies knowledge, learning, and deep-rooted traditions. To make it truly unique, I subtly incorporated the letter 'K' - the brand's initial - into this symbol.
But that's not all. Upon closer inspection, you'll notice the silhouette of a person seamlessly integrated within the design. This element symbolizes the pivotal role that students and teachers play in the academy. They are the inspiration and driving force behind the brand mission.

Logo variation is a fundamental aspect of brand identity, offering adaptability and versatility across diverse contexts. A well-designed logo should seamlessly transition between mediums, adapt to various color schemes, scale effectively, stand out on different backgrounds, cater to special occasions or cultural sensitivities, and ensure responsive design in the digital realm.     
These variations guarantee that the logo remains an enduring symbol of the brand's identity, capable of conveying its essence and message across a spectrum of situations, while also accommodating the brand's evolution and expansion over time.

Typography selection is a pivotal element in shaping the brand identity. It goes beyond mere text; it conveys the institution's personality, values, and professionalism. 

The choice of typefaces and their variations must align with the academy's mission and target audience. Typography defines not only how information is presented but also the emotional resonance it carries. 

A thoughtfully selected typeface can establish credibility, evoke the appropriate mood, and enhance readability across different media. 

Moreover, it fosters consistency and recognition, playing a crucial role in establishing a cohesive visual identity that leaves a lasting impression on students, faculty, and stakeholders alike.

A color palette represents a carefully curated selection of colors utilized across various design disciplines, from fine art and interior design to graphic design. 

It involves the strategic combination of colors from the twelve hues found on the color wheel. Through skillful pairing and arrangement, an extensive array of color palettes can be crafted for application in diverse compositions. 

These distinct color combinations have the power to evoke specific moods and atmospheres by harnessing the principles of color theory and the psychology of color.


The academy branding strategy is like a chameleon, constantly adapting to different environments. 

We've created a whole arsenal of variations, each carefully designed to fit specific contexts. 
From education to research, community engagement to any other domain, The brand remains impactful and recognizable, while still catering to the unique needs of each field.

Consistency in printed materials is paramount for a brand's identity and image. It ensures that every piece of printed collateral, whether it's a brochure, business card, or promotional flyer, adheres to the same design standards and visual elements. This consistency creates a unified and professional appearance that reinforces brand recognition and trust

T-shirts and other wearables serve as influential brand representatives by turning individuals into walking advertisements. These items prominently display brand logos and design elements, reinforcing brand identity and increasing visibility. 

Wearers become brand ambassadors, fostering a sense of community and loyalty, while simultaneously enhancing brand recognition.

Let's work together -

Kindred Academy - Brand Identity


Kindred Academy - Brand Identity

Welcome to the Kindred Academy Visual Identity Project, where we strive to harmoniously merge tradition and innovation. We are proud to present o Další informace
