Man-Tsun Tsang 的个人资料

Tattoo Life

The Silent Revolver

He's a killer, but he's also a victim. He's a victim of his circumstances, a victim of his own choices. 
He's a man trapped in a world of violence, a world where killing is the only way to stay alive.
A Natural High

She is in love, and her heart is soaring. She feels like she is floating on air, connected to man, to nature, and to the universe. She is high on life.
The Fair Play?

A chess player sits at the board and plays by the rules, unaware that he is simply a puppet in the hands of a hidden master.
The Flash Moment

She closes her eyes, savouring the sights, sounds, and smells.
She becomes the scene, the subject, and the photographer who tries to capture the precious moment with her body instead of a camera.

She has always loved luxury brands and even has a collage of luxury brand logos tattoo. She sees them as a symbol of success and status. 
But now, she realises that she has become a brand's brand and has lost her personality and identity.
She clutches her heart, her breath coming in ragged gasps. and asks herself, "Who am I?"
I Rock

His body has become part of the music, it's a commitment to his talent and he can't even imagine his life without music. 

She is the wolf.
She is not the innocent Red Riding Hood of fairy tales. She is the predator, the hunter. She is the one who is wild and free.

A girl, once innocent and pure, is now scarred by the abuse she has suffered. 
The innocence she has lost is symbolised by the crow tattoo around her.
Wild Flower

She is a wildflower blooming in the darkness, surrounded by vibrant butterflies. Her tattoo of flowers and insects, the words "Wild Flower" emblazoned beneath them, symbolizes her dual nature as both a fierce warrior and gentle soul.
The Cold Love

Two girls stand close, their eyes cold and empty. 
The abuser manipulates and torments the victim, who is trapped in a cycle of trauma and despair.
This is my latest illustration series, Tattoo Life, 
which had been exhibited in Unknown Asia, Japan.

Hope you would like it and find it inspiring. 
Thank You!!! 
Let me know what you think and please also follow me on Instagram
Tattoo Life