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CC1204 Fundamentals of Creative Authoring Tools

CC1204 Fundamentals of Creative Authoring Tools 2023
Task 3
For this task, we are asked to reproduce our own DIY Photo Studio and take photographs of 3 different objects which are Matte, Shiny/Reflective, Pearlescent/Holographic. The object I chose for each type is Matte Balm, Spoons and travel pouch. 

DIY Photo Studio: I use a box and cover the inside using A4 White papers and made a hole at the top to place additional lighting from above, when needed. Below is the behind the scene of the studio. 
From the picture itself, I use phone flash as additional lighting and other props used can be found in the picture as well. You may find below the results of the photographs taken. 
Picture 1: Holographic - Travel Pouch

Lighting used is natural lighting, sunlight. The purpose of the angle is to show the reflective light from the holographic pouch to make it look interesting to see.
Picture 2: Matte - Matte Balm
I used additional lighting from a phone flash from above. The props and the angles were inspired by products photography I found on the internet and Instagram. 
Picture 3: Shiny/Reflective - Spoons
Additional lighting from above also being used. Gold spoons looks interesting to capture as the color pops out even more with white background as well as the reflected light to the wall from the spoon. 
CC1204 Fundamentals of Creative Authoring Tools

CC1204 Fundamentals of Creative Authoring Tools
