Profiel van Cass Sims Knight

Freelance Promotional Material for Nonstop Wellness

Sample Promotional Material


T1: Looking to Adjust Your Healthcare Offerings? Start Planning Today
T2: Start Planning for Your Health Insurance Renewal Today
T3: Don’t Let Annual Healthcare Renewal Deadlines Sneak Up on You!

“Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”

(alternative quote)
“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”
-Abraham Lincoln

Are your health insurance renewal deadlines creeping up on you? It’s easy to get lulled into the complacent choice of the status quo when your schedule is tight, but that might not be the best decision for your organization. The wrong plan can impact budgets, recruitment and retention, and your employees’ health itself.

Tackling the options can be overwhelming. When do you start evaluating your employees’ healthcare needs? How do you know if your broker is the right fit for you? Does it make sense to choose a different funding option for your organization? Let us help you take the guesswork out of renewal planning.

Download our guide to help your organization plan for the enormous task of purchasing health insurance. This guide will cover:
Data collection necessary to make the most informed decision possible
Short-term timelines to keep you on track and leave ample time for the big decisions
Tips on how to approach making big decisions for change

This guide offers in-depth assistance in collecting the information you need to arm yourself with for the biggest decision your company will make this year. From the difficult evaluation of whether your current broker is the best fit for your employees’ interests to the internal targets you’ll need to set to ensure your company hits those renewal deadlines, we can help make the most expensive decision your community health center/nonprofit a little easier. By arming you with the information you’ll need to make the right decision for your organization, you will better understand your options, timelines, and action items.

Rushing through a big decision like this could mean that you end up with a health plan that doesn’t serve you or your employees’ needs. We can help take the speculation out of your renewal date. The idea of change can seem intimidating, but the status quo can be costly if it isn’t suiting your needs. Health insurance is one of the most expensive purchases your organization can make. It’s a big decision that impacts your entire workforce. Let us help you start planning smarter today.
Landing Page

T1: Health Insurance Deadlines Creeping Up on You?
S1: Let Us Help You Plan for Your Renewal Today

T2: Looking to Make a Change?
S2: Start Planning Your Health Insurance Renewal Today

T3: Your Healthcare Should Work For You, Not Against You
S3: Let Us Help You Plan Your Internal Health Insurance Assessment

Health insurance renewal dates are just around the corner. Have you started assessing your company’s options yet? It can be daunting to know where to even start. Don’t worry! We’re here to help.

Download our instructional guide to help arm yourself with all the information you’ll need to make a well-informed decision that works for both your community health center/nonprofit and your employees.

Health insurance purchasing is one of the most expensive purchases your organization will make. Our step-by-step guide will help you make deliberate, thoughtful choices on behalf of your workforce with:
Data collection required to make the most informed decision possible
Short-term timelines to keep you on track and leave ample time for big decisions
Tips on how to approach making big decisions for change

Your healthcare plan should work for you, not against you. Let us help you plan smarter. Download our guide today.


RE 1: Annual Renewals Got You Down?
RE 2: The Most Important Decision Your Company Will Make All Year
RE 3: Sick of the Status Quo? Let Us Help You Plan Your Health Insurance Renewal

There are some things you can always count on: toast will always fall butter-side down, your last sip of coffee will always be cold, and health insurance will always require renewal once a year. We can’t help with the physics of breakfast, but we can help your renewal process go off without a hitch with our Renewal Planning Guide.

Our instructional guide offers assistance surveying your workforce’s health insurance needs, evaluating the employee contribution model, and understanding out-of-pocket expenses. We’ll help you set up internal deadlines to leave ample time for stakeholder input and any necessary plan or brokerage changes.

Check out our renewal guide so you can make the best decision possible for you, your organization, and your workforce. Let us help you start planning today!

(landing page link)

Social Media

Want to make a change but those renewal deadlines are creeping up? Check out our short-term planning guide today!

#Health insurance renewal deadlines around the corner? Let us help you plan smarter with our short-term renewal guide!

Looking to make changes to your #health insurance plan but don’t know where to start? Let our short-term guide help you start planning today!
#healthcare #HCLDR #wellness #healthcareadministration

Freelance Promotional Material for Nonstop Wellness


Freelance Promotional Material for Nonstop Wellness


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