Henkilön Fedor Guzev profiili

Fleshpound - Killing Floor 3

Character for the first Killing Floor 3 trailer. 

Augmented parts done by me, organic body done by awesome Antonio Esparza.
Modelling, additional design, details. All subd. 
There is also inner parts such as the chest and the visor "eye mounts" which can be seen at the beginning of the cinematic. As retro body-horror, even slim parts should stay brutal and bulky. So it was about staying inside the larger forms and working with the lines within them.

It was a real pleasure to work on this one. Thank you to the whole team for a such good work!

Done for Hydra Studios, client: Tripwire Interactive
Fleshpound - Killing Floor 3

Fleshpound - Killing Floor 3
