FOLX came to us after going through a re-brand that needed to be translated to the digital space. As a telehealth company, they were looking to bring the brand to life in the context of really dense information. Upon establishing our relationship, we understood the FOLX team to be empathetic in nature, conducting really imporant work to make LGBTQ+ healthcare affordable and accessible. This spearheaded our creative direction across the site experience to center around humbly asserting themselves as the experts they are. We focused on the neutral tones of their color palette, allowing bolder colors to act as actionable moments throughout the experience, priortized lifestyle photography with people and faces, and established an iconography system of varied weights that mimicked their display font.

The result of this work and the team’s ability to streamline the process of receiving care and support was a hit and FOLX was named in the “TIME100 Most Influential Companies of 2022”. 

FOLX Health


FOLX Health
