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California Senate Fellows Website

California Senate Fellows
I was tasked with making a website for a band called California Senate Fellows. They are a Psychedelic Rock Funk band that loves their crazy colors and standing out. I had to make this site look and feel exactly like a legitimate band website by following a few simple rules of structure. Having a navigation bar (nav), a Logo/Name bar, multiple pages for different parts of the website, and large images that convey the band's feel that they are going for. 

Because of them being so many genres put into one I went for lots of different colors in a gradient as well as three different fonts.
Here is the vision bored I used to help create the site. I did not end up using all of the pictures.
The Brainstorming for the website layout.
To Make the site responsive and accessible I had to make it useable on different screen sizes. Here is what it looks like on a few different screen sizes. The last two have a very subtle difference. I simply made it so the website did not stretch past a certain point in order for it to not look bad on certain screens.
These are some videos of the website and how it works, plus the code I used to make the website.
California Senate Fellows Website
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California Senate Fellows Website

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