Ken Gutman 的个人资料

ENBREL Augmented Reality

"Don't take my paper CVA!"
Enbrel Augmented Reality Sales Tool (Rheumatology)
The Enbrel sales reps loved their aging paper sales aid. But we were in the process of creating a dynamic iPad-drive sales tool for the brand. Amgen threatened to "pull the paper" knowing that would infuriate their sales force. 

We had a better idea. What if you could use both!

Let the paper sales aid be used for the data and harness the power of augmented reality that only the iPad could deliver on.

We created a paper sales ad that with a hidden AR trigger. When scanned by the Sales aid, the Enbrel Mini injection device came to life in a fully interactive module.

Now sales reps had a motivation to take out their iPads and wow their physician customers. Engagement with the iPad sales aid changed overnight—and so did prescriptions for Enbrel’s state-of-the art injection device.
Additional creative credits include:
Marc Cruz
Shibi Murali
Miriam Doyne
Ben Paramonte
ENBREL Augmented Reality


ENBREL Augmented Reality

