This project was a way to introduce us to the world of postcard design. By using the skills and knowledge obtained in previous classes, we made a series of postcards within a single theme. The overall goal was to create items that a consumer might find visually appealing, which focusing on the illustration aspect of the design process.
The theme I chose to use on this project was “LGBTQ+ History”. Focusing on multiple figures throughout history who identified with some aspect of the LGBTQ+ spectrum. In this case, Marsha P Johnson, Alan Turing, Barbara Gittings, and Simon Nkoli. 
I focused on committing to a style, which is something I struggle with in my personal work. I began by simply picking a style, understanding the style, what was unique about it, and doing my best to copy that. That way I would have a list to come back to when I find myself straying from the proposed style.
By not only implementing the changed that were suggested, but also by finding the best way to implement those changes, I worked on adding detail to the background in a way that wouldn’t distract from the focus, but would add to the overall piece.
I primarily learned that printing is difficult, especially when you don’t plan as far ahead as you need to. I did not plan for the paper that I was using, so the test prints would often come out stronger than I had planned. I also learned that printer settings are a lot more finicky than i once thought, having to find settings that I had never touched previously to make my work print properly.
Queerly Beloved

Queerly Beloved
