Profilo di Lukman Aufbau

Aufbau note, UI/UX fresh project

Aufbau note design UI/UX fresh project 
“Hey, I’m working on something interesting.
 It’s going to be a big deal when it’s finished,
but for now, I’m just letting you know that it’s coming down the line.” 
The goal is to build good websites where you can learn about startup ideas, business models, and entrepreneurship for free. 
This project was originally handed over as a somewhat functional webpage with minimal styling and features. 
It had a home page with a search bar and We began by aiming to improve the UI, functionality, and the spread of the website. 
 You can see few of the project journey below:
In some of the few features, I want to tell you 3 things...
*1. Get recommendations*
We hope to, use Aufbaunote to find new books to read - usually through recommendations made by AufbauNote.
*2. Get track of all the books you've read*
The site will also allow you to easily and quickly keep track of all the books you have read. 
*3. Pure your ideas into text*
AufbauNotes aims to give you a simple and enjoyable method to pour your ideas into a text. Aristotle once said: “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” ― 
## Why did I add this feature
I'm naturally good at taking notes due to a combination of factors, including my cognitive abilities, my learning style, my level of engagement with the material, and my prior experience with note-taking
So I decided to include an enhanced area for people who are naturally good at taking notes, to pure their ideas into text. following my philosophy and we'll keep on improving it according to users' reviews. 
## What is the "philosophy" that I mean?
KEEP IT SIMPLE: That is the idea and philosophy behind Aufbau Notes. Writing should not be about the tools that you use, but about the ideas and thoughts that you have. Aufbau Note aims to give you a simple and enjoyable method to keep a stinky highlighter handy to incorporate your sense of smell into your recall.
# Target audience 
Any person in any social, cultural, educational, entrepreneur, etc., can be our target audience for using the Aufbau Note app. The common perception in society is that only bookworms or avid readers may use some features, which is not entirely accurate; however, they are not the only main target audience. we primarily focus on three types of target audiences, as I mentioned earlier.
*1. Learn about startup ideas, business models, and entrepreneurship for free.*
*2. Get high-quality recommendations & track all the books you've read for free*
* 3. Pure your ideas into text*
This app will help you get there. We’re here to provide what you need to build the career or business you want. You’re not on your own or behind the curve.
# GOODREADS: going long
Otis Chandler founder of GR makes made his money primarily on advertising and affiliate revenue. They work with all major book publishers and many mid-majors to help them launch their books to the GR audience readers.
He says: "We focus on the problem of helping authors..."
The RG case study have been told so many time that most of GR’s recommendations feature does not - AT ALL - seem dependable. Readers always end up reading a recommendation that worsens their slump. Of course, you might argue that this is a matter of chance and preference and whatnot, but a simple analysis of how the recommendations show you that they only feature books based on the genre you like. Not much else is considered when it comes to your preferences. So a general make-up of the genre itself is a specific set of books you might like...
Before we move on, let’s look at some of the reader feedback on the recommendation feature. You can see some of the feedback below.
# ( )
Having a wide range of target audiences complicates the design of an application because you are dealing with a diverse spectrum of individuals who have different levels of familiarity with technology and mobile applications and possess varying abilities. 
Therefore, the digital product should be designed in a way that is usable for the majority of these audiences regardless of their level of knowledge.
In other words, the Goodreads- recommendation model is different from the model we’ve looked at in this project. Many of our case studies involve people who went into business for themselves because it was fun, not because they wanted to build something and then cash out.
*However, Goodreads recommendations are solid for people who want to pass a reading on, and some of them can be adapted to improve a reading even if you want to stick around. You can see how the two models compare in the table below.*
# ( )
In trying to decide which path to pursue, the simple question to answer is: 
“What kind of software do you want?” 
GR’s model is all about creating an entity apart from yourself and then selling it for a big payday.  
The AufbauNote model is more about transitioning to a software or independent career that is based on something you love to do—in other words, something intrinsically related to the owner’s skill or passion. Neither model is better; it just depends on your goals. If you’d like to have the option of selling your software one day, 
Then you have to plan for it by taking specific steps. 
The most important step in creating an independent identity for the software is to create a product or service with the potential to scale. This is an important distinction from many of the designers we’ve described thus far, so let’s take a look at how Otis explains it.
Otis Chandler built a media business service that focuses on the problem of helping authors..." This was highly valuable to his clients but also teachable to other audiences. 
Another time he Transition away from Amazon. Much of the data is now paid for, which gives them more freedom. The transition is explained in this blog post:
What united these different experiences was a sense of controlling their destiny and finding software to nurture a meaningful project. As your project grows, you’ll also need to make decisions based on your preferences and specific vision. Just remember that these are good decisions to make and a good position to be in.
There’s more than one road to software, and some people find it through a combination of different working arrangements. “Going long” by pursuing growth and deciding to stay small are both acceptable options, and you can split the difference by “going medium.” It all depends on what kind of software you’d like to achieve. 
Work “on” your software by devoting time every day to activities specifically related to improvement, not just by responding to everything else that is happening. 
Regularly monitor one or two key metrics that are the lifeblood of your design. Check up on the other monthly or bimonthly scale software development is both teachable and valuable. If you ever want to sell your software, you’ll need to build teams and reduce owner dep. decency.
# The Software Audit
However, it is structured in a good way that needs nurturing and continuous improvement. As your project grows, take some time to look at each aspect of it, especially any public communication that customers review while making a purchasing decision. Answer these questions and think about how you can improve. The goal is to:
(1) fix little problems and 
(2) identify small actions you can take that will create significant results over time.
# Competitive Analysis
Now let back to where we started earlier 
With preliminary research, I looked into competitor applications
Direct/ and indirect 
 that had received good ratings and had many positive comments from their users. Additionally, they had filled in some of the gaps that Aufbaunote had.
1. Angellis - direct 
2. Crunchbased - direct 
3. Goodreads - indirect 
# Style guide
I tried my best to remain faithful to the original colour scheme of the Grids application and the font style of this app, while also creating a sense of excitement for users by choosing the colour green.
Aufbau note, UI/UX fresh project


Aufbau note, UI/UX fresh project
