Brandon Keller's profile

Meet The Artist 2023

For our illustration class, we were assigned to create a "Meet The Artist" drawing.
I first started off by writing down everything I could show in my drawing. It was way too much in the end, so I had to narrow it down to just the basic interests and hobbies.
Then I created a mood/style board. I really wanted my drawing to have more muted browns and greens. This is because I really love autumn and nature in general. They're just very soothing palettes. 
I also planned for my backgrounds to have smaller drawings on it to show off more of my hobbies/interests, but I scrapped that idea in the end. It just looked too busy.
For the next step, I drew a bunch of quick sketches to see what would work best as a layout. I couldn't pick between two thumbnails, but in the end picked the more simple one, because the assignment's deadline was very tight. I also changed the pose and style of my self portrait last minute, because I felt like it was too energetic/cartoony and that wasn't what I was going for in my drawing.
In the end, I'm happy with how it came out. It's a pretty standard Meet The Artist illustration, but I honestly don't mind. I do wish that I could've added more details about myself instead of the bare minimum.
Meet The Artist 2023


Meet The Artist 2023
