Ruth Wein 的個人檔案

Family & Cultural Heritage

I am driven to record various aspects of my family and cultural heritage, which ranges from one extreme - the aftermath of the Holocaust, encompassing trauma, migration and displacement, to the opposite extreme - an array of warm emotions interlaced with beauty and humour.    
First Vase (2021). Oils on Canvas 40.5cm x 50cm

This vase was gifted to my parents when they first arrived in Australia. Whilst the bright colours still make me smile, the irony of receiving such a gift when the need for food was paramount, led me to paint this distorted representation. 

Creative Process: I first created a mock-up by taking multiple photos of the vase and placing these on a background of saturated photos of the vase pattern until I arrived at my desired composition. I then proceeded to paint the vase components before finally painting the background.
Shabbat Prayer (2022). Brown Biro on 250gsm Coloured Card 20cm x 29cm

This work is a tribute to my mother who taught me the sacred weekly tradition of welcoming in the Sabbath by holding her hands over her eyes as she recited the Sabbath prayer. The song 'Eishes Chayil' is a tribute to women and sung on the Sabbath eve. 
'She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue'
Ravages of War (2021) Collage, Metallic Bronze Marker, Pen and Black Ink on card 16.5cm x12cm 

This work is collaged onto a post war Polish newspaper. It depicts my parents, aunt and uncle (whose respective spouses had each been murdered just a few years earlier), as they attempt to rise from the ravages of war and start afresh in their home town of Lodz before migrating to Australia. 

Creative Process: The photo is initially collaged onto a copy of a Polish newspaper which has been glued to card. The building scene depicting the town of Lodz is then drawn with pen and ink to form the background and finally the sky is blacked in before the foreground is filled in with black ink first and metallic bronze marker over. 

New Land, New Family, Old Links (2022). Photogravure using warm sepia oil based etching ink on Stonehenge paper 

Mother and sister enjoy their new family in their new country while always conscious of going to great lengths to maintain their connections to the few family members they still have.

Family & Cultural Heritage


Family & Cultural Heritage
