"Mistery Brera" is a board game named after its setting,
it is actually set in the Brera Art Gallery.
The game is a time-based interactive role-playing game, so it will be timed by a timer that will decree its end and consequently who will be the winner.
Thanks to qr codes placed on the board the game can always be different from the previous time, this also allows players to set themselves different challenges. The player, after rolling the dice, depending on the square he or she will be in will have to follow the clue and move accordingly
The aim of the game is to catch the thief before time runs out.
____________________________ Sketch
The project came about after extensive research into the history of toys, in which the current attitude of creating increasingly technological and digital toys, such as video games, prevailed, but these are not always viewed well by parents and caregivers.
So the question was:
how to use technology in a way that combines analog and digital for timeless playful game?
The overall goal of Mistery Brera is to create a boardgame that can be used both digital and analogical, so you can answer the questions, solve riddles and play some quick games with the app on your phone and socialize, learn and play in presence. 
Furthermore it was created to be easily carried as a briefcase.
_________________________ Prototype

Design by Alice Zecchin in 2021

Mistery Brera


Mistery Brera
