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Children's Cultural Heritage Book: A Day in Çatalhöyük

The book is an interactive tale about the first archaeologist, Babylonian King Nabonidus, traveling back in time during his sleep to discover life in Çatalhöyük. The book supports children's learning processes in the field of cultural heritage with an emotion-focused approach.

Title: Çatalhöyük'te Bir Gün: Dünyanın İlk Arkeoloğuyla Zamanda Yolculuk (A Day in Çatalhöyük: Traveling Through Time with the World's First Archaeologist)
Author: İdil Bilgin
Illustrator: İpek Kay
Published by Studio Cultia
Date: August / 2023
Children's Cultural Heritage Book: A Day in Çatalhöyük

Children's Cultural Heritage Book: A Day in Çatalhöyük
