When the door's always closed,
isolation imposed,
I try the best I can

But the gulf is too wide
and I can't stand astride,
such a gigantic span

This impossible distance
obscures my existence
like fog hugging autumn shores

And it's building inside,
with each wound to my pride,
I can't take this anymore

I'm standing right here,
I've not disappeared,
and yet you look right through me

Do I not exist?
A presence unmissed,
an unseen identity

I'm on the outside,
looking inward
These impenetrable walls restrain me
I could tear them down
but I'm afraid
of what is on the other side

It’s not my intention
to covet attention
at least no more than I'm due

But you turned your back,
left me in the black,
with nothing I could cling to

Was it too much to ask,
such an abhorrent task,
to simply acknowledge me?

Some small recognition,
to raze this partition,
that makes me feel so empty

I'm on the outside,
looking inward
These impenetrable walls restrain me
I could tear them down
but I'm afraid
of what is on the other side

I'm at the point I might break,
alone and displaced,
an unwelcome nobody

I'm a vessel adrift,
traversing the rift,
consumed by an angry sea

Pushed aside by the crowd,
and I'm screaming out loud,
until my voice is raw

But I won't go away,
from this perverse ballet,
as long as I've breath to draw

I'm on the outside,
looking inward
These impenetrable walls restrain me
I could tear them down
but I'm afraid
of what is on the other side.

Lyrics by Assemblage 23 - Outsider