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Sustainable Closet | UX/UI Design

Sustainable closet - OVERVIEW

The objective is to create a dynamic and self-sustaining website that serves as a comprehensive resource hub for conscious users dedicated to taking a stand against the fast fashion industry. This website will provide a wealth of information, tools, and resources, empowering users to make informed decisions and actively contribute to positive change. By offering a centralized platform, it aims to raise awareness, promote sustainable alternatives, and foster a community of like-minded individuals committed to fighting against the harmful practices of the fast fashion industry.

Problem statement

In today's society, individuals are incessantly exposed to a pervasive consumerism culture, particularly in the realm of clothing, shoes, and accessories. Fast fashion giants like Shein, Zara, H&M, and others play a significant role in perpetuating this phenomenon. However, these brands have a detrimental impact on the environment, with their excessive production leading to overflowing landfills, while the fashion industry itself ranks as one of the largest contributors to pollution worldwide. Moreover, the labor conditions within these brands' supply chains are marked by underpayment, excessive workload, and inhumane working environments for their employees.

The website is divided into three key sections:

This section serves as a comprehensive resource on the detrimental effects of the fast fashion industry. It not only raises awareness but also provides valuable information about sustainable brands and their practices.

Operating akin to an online secondhand shop, this section facilitates sustaiable fashion exchanges among users. It promotes the ethos of sustainability by encouraging the buying and selling of pre-loved clothing items, regardless of the brand.

This section represents the self-sustaining aspect of the website, serving as the merchandise store for Sustainable Closet and its collaborators. It showcases garments crafted from premium organic materials, using compostable dyes. These eco-friendly pieces are produced on-demand and shipped with a conscious commitment to nature.

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Sustainable Closet | UX/UI Design


Sustainable Closet | UX/UI Design

In today's society, individuals are incessantly exposed to a pervasive consumerism culture, particularly in the realm of clothing, shoes, and acc Lue lisää
