Jessie Chiuhui Chen's profile



A book designed for the play “Human Condition” to commemorate the tetralogy and the 10th anniversary of its premiere. The play was written and directed by Wu Nien-Jen – a prominent Taiwanese playwright – and performed by the Greenray Theatre Company. In addition to the title of the book, the cover design also lists the names of the characters, suggesting the stories that will unfold with the people involved in the play….

The chapter opening design uses a contrasting arrangement of typography to create visual impact. With the images embedded in the type, it’s like peeking into the story through the windows, subtly connecting to the main content that’s about to be revealed.
客戶 Client_Creenray Theatre Company
設計公司 Design Firm_Way2Creative Co., Ltd.
藝術指導 Art Director_Jessie Chiuhui Chen
設計 Graphic Designer_Hsingchun Tsai
圖片編輯 Photo Editor_Jessie Chiuhui Chen


為舞台劇「人間條件」所設計的專書,紀念四部曲連演以及演出十週年的精彩時刻回顧。該劇由吳念真編劇、導演,綠光劇團演出。 A book designed for the play “Human Condition” to commemorate the tetralogy and the 10 Read More
