Disney | Destino Hollywood - Indiana Jones

Promoção Destino Hollywood - Indiana Jones
Disney + Bradesco

As good Sailors, we never turn down a great adventure, especially when we're invited by Disney and have the company of the legendary Indiana Jones! 
In an incredible alliance with Disney and Bradesco, we are producing the “Destino Hollywood” campaign for Bradesco cards. 
Get ready for an epic journey to Hollywood! 

Agency: Disney
Client: Bradesco
Year: 2023

Sailor Studio
Directors: Luccas Oliveira, Gustavo “GGA” Almeida
Project Manager: Gustavo Veloso, Matheus González
Post-Production Coordinator: Luiz Alejandre "Ryan", Rafael Matheus
Art Director: Teidy Nakao

Editor: Nildo Ferreira e Luis Guilherme Chagas
Motion: João Mateus, Guilherme Micsik 
Chico Castellano

Thanks for watching!

Disney | Destino Hollywood - Indiana Jones