These book covers are part of the Typographica series, in which I designed covers for three books inspired by three fantastic artists: Cildo Meireles, Naum Gabo and Bob and Roberta Smith. The brief for this activity during my Graphic Design course at the University of Arts London was as follows: Following a visit to the Tate Modern museum, I was tasked with creating three book covers for three different artists of my choice, with a specific focus on typography and the use of only two colors for each cover.

For the '2021' book cover, inspired by Cildo Meireles' work Babel Tower, I created a handcrafted typography, later refined in Illustrator, combining the author's name, publication year, and title of the collection in varying scales and textures. This approach mirrors the sounds and shapes of the various radios and languages heard and observed within the artwork.

In 'Constructions for Real Life' I based my design on a photograph of a sculptural work by the Soviet constructivist Naum Gabo. From its forms and shadow projections, I crafted an image that spells out the artist's first name - NAUM.

For the "Brushstrokes of Imagination" cover I drew inspiration from the typography of artist Bob and Roberta Smith and his use of personal narratives in his work. I constructed a family story, narrated by my grandmother, reminiscent of the storytelling found in Bob and Roberta Smith's art.

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