William Doherty
Doherty is an artist born and based in Derry, Northern Ireland, where most of his inspiration of works comes from, he's a artist figure of which he makes contemporary art and photography, video and sound installation works and his first international exhibitions began in the early 1980s, in which he explores the relationship of memory and place as well as public and private. He uses installations and photographs hat explore human fragility where we tend to make mistakes, and the human memory and to engage with stories that represent our lives. His work is truth telling and they move beyond the surface of social, political and psychological values, that affect our daily lived and this is a window of truth to look into and what we may need to change in our lives and to be open minded.

He photography deeper isolated setting and uncovers the truth and that conceal a troubled past which is quite interesting. He has also been able to explore and look into terrain in forensic detail in which he trained his lens on different sites such as the Mexican border which reveal historical truth and he sometimes uses diptychs which is a photograph or artwork with two parts that link to each other such as 'midnight' 2022.

His work is mainly in black and white which I quite like. His stories within the images contain brutality bleed truth metaphorically and some deception but overall, he uses language and disorientating images to reflect the brutal truth and reflect how we approach histories of trauma.

Willie Doherty's exhibition, 'False memory' in Ireland, one of the biggest exhibitions ever done which was shown from 31st October 2002 - 9th March 2003. This exhibition is where he explores memory and place. Most of Doherty's work  and ideas have derived from his hometown, Derry. The work reveals a complex and shift of correlation as well as places and events, which represent his work and where its attained from and what his inspiration is. This provides content for his body of work including video works.
The exhibition photos of false memory mostly contains his early black and white images which also include typography.
This 1st one to our left is 'winter landscape' 2022 and the one on the right is a diptych in which the two images link with each other called 'midnight' 2022. The one below is called 'BELOW THE BORDER a fork in the road' The description for this photograph is 'The place where Ciaran Doherty was executed in February 2010, accused of being a British informer, he was abducted two hours before his body was dumped at the side of the road. 1986 - 2012'. 

This is one of the articles I researched after looking up on the photograph to find out more information and there a few further related articles.

These images are from the exhibition 'REMIAINS' from the Kerlin gallery. Remains is a potent portrayal of the generational nature of conflict and its vicious circle. The first one on the top left is 'Remains (Kneecapping behind Creggan Shops), 2013', going across is 'Remains (Along the Wall), 2013' and the rest are 'REMAINS, 2013
Single channel high-definition video installation with Dolby Digital 5.1 digital surround sound'. This is both photographed in the landscape and streets of Norther Ireland in which is often disrupted by acts of violence maybe sue to the political decisions made which leaves everyone on the in the middle. 
"The installation is a car burning, the camera pans across -in whatever environment the car is which is unknown- and a voiceover narrating ordered to present his son, and his nephew, at a specified time, most likely at the location we are looking at, for a punishment shooting.

 This installation is the source is a series of such shootings carried out in 2012 in Derry, based on real events and location of punishment shootings, by a group, Republican Action Against Drugs. It reveals how ‘place’ inscribes the social, the political, and the historical history.
This followed on from a project called lost boys for a field day review

The speaker recalls undergoing a similar experience himself when he was younger. The video concludes with a view of an abandoned car burning fiercely on waste-ground." This is a description of the article about the installation of 'REMAINS'.

The purpose of this was to represent the traces of of past events that will not disappear and you cant just hide these things out the way as they will always re appear, " including Secretion, 2012 that was produced for DOCUMENTA 13, Buried, 2009 and Ghost Story, 2007."

This is a podcast that I listened to aired by IMMA talks, where Willie Doherty talked about his work and some other things. 
'Doherty has a few images that were exhibited in kerlin Gallery Unknown male subject - 2002, Empty- 2006, Lapse -2012, REMAINS-2014, Loose ends-2016.
Some publications also include No smoke without fire 1996, Buried 2009, Disturbance 2011, Lapse 2012, Unseen 2013 -one of my favourites- Again and again 2015, Home 2016 which is a video installation and outlines some of the political situations going on at the time in northern Ireland.'
Elsewhere 2022
In this photo the car is the centre of the photo and the grass from both the corners are framing it and you can see that it is an abandoned car as the rear mirrors have been smashed
Unseen is a photobook Doherty has made in his hometown, Derry and Donegal borders from 1985 and 2013. There is a variation of photographs placed with text in black and white and very few with colour and a mix of black and white images and colour images, I like the contrast between the two and how there is a variation of landscape and rural and I want to include this type of photography in my work of documentary landscape and researching into this artist has helped me focus and what direction to go in for my personal investigation. The pages below are taken from the digital version of Unseen.

It has become a distant memory
Taken on characteristics of a dream
At times I am unsure if it really happened at all...

Undercover / Unseen 1985
Protecting / Invading 1987
Believing 1988
Fractured/encased 1989
The photo has been taken at a lower angle to show the trash that there is and show that its not something that you van ignore. Using black and white to take picture so you can see between the different mid tones and it brings the photo out.
Enduring 1992
This is a double page spread and the photo is placed on the right hand side with the title of it lower down on the page. The composition of the image is leading lines and what I also like about this photograph is that further down it gets, the mistier it gets and its quite interesting and how the power cables slowly disappear into the mist. The mood conveys melancholy and the photo is more isolated and enclosed and makes you feel claustrophobic in a way as the shadows on the building contrasts to the light further away from you. Here Doherty hast used and overlapped word to describe maybe what he's feeling of this image. The contrasts of the colours give it depth.
Abandoned car 1994
Abandoned interior II, 1997 / Out of the shadows I, 1997
These are two different images from different pages both on a double page spread with the image centred on the right hand side. There is a completely different mood and contrast in the two photographs. The one on the left that has darker blue tones which represent coldness, melancholy and harshness sometimes, the light hitting on it looks like the light reflecting off the moon into this interior as there is lots of holes and cracks and metaphorically this may represent the flaws and downfall of the northern Irish government  downturned sofa. While on the right hand side the colour scheme has changed this is because of the different lights that are in the environment and there was a yellow lamp the  enlights the photo with yellow and the image is quite oxymoronic as yellow is suppposed to represent a happy enlightened colour but you then look at the image and the pavement needs doing up theres patches all over and graffitti on the wals and its falling apart.
Willie Doherty
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Willie Doherty

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