Perfil de Alexander McEvoy

Week 5 Persuasive Posters with Lino Printing

DVB102 Image Design and Production
Week 5 Images (21-25)
Images 21 - 25: Persuasive Posters Using Lino Printing

This exercise was an extension of last weeks persuasive poster production. However, this week students were to chose an alternative environmental or sustainability issue of interest and create a poster through the manipulation of lino printing.

A4 paper, pencil, screen printing ink, lino carving tool, lino

Drawing, Sketching, Shading, Printing

First, an alternative environmental or sustainability issue of interest was selected. After selecting an issue of importance, persuasive/rhetorical imagery was brainstormed to be used to create a lino poster (See Figure 1 below). The image was recreated in greater detail and then carved using a marking tool into lino for printing (See Figure 2). Paint was then evenly distributed onto the lino print and pressed against a medium to create markings (See Figure 3). After analysing the relief print, areas were selected to reshape and a second lino print was created (See Figure 5)
Figure 1: Brainstorming Recycling Posters
Figure 2: Drafting Lino Print for Persuasive Poster
Figure 3: Draft Persuasive Poster With Print

After pressing my first engraved lino I was disappointment with the impression made. While the image resembles what I had intended (a flower sprouting out of a soda can), finer details I had hoped to capture were not visable on the print. However, I was ultimately content with the persuasive image designed and believe the message is accurately expressed in an alternative creation method. I hope to capture additional details in a revised lino print.

Creating a persuasive image that is informative, engages viewers and evokes thinking and emotion.

Expressing the design in lino a creating a relief print that resembles the established design.
Figure 4: Digitally Enhanced Persuasive Poster Print
Figure 5: Recycling Persuasive Poster (Lino Print)

After my first lino I attempted to alter the impressions digitally. However, I was not satisfied with the effect it had on the print and concluded that recreating the design on a second lino would bare better results. While digitally modifying the print, impressions were removed to create a transparent background. This allowed me to overlay the print on different coloured backgrounds. I coloured elements of the can that would receive less light a dull grey, the stems of each flower green and the flowers a saturated red and a gradient of pink. After digitally modifying the first print, the lino was recreated and a second print was done. A far clearer visualisation of the design was created with the print and I am satisfied with the results.

Manipulating digital software to layer images and manipulating marking tools to carve a second lino that produced a clearer image.

Distributing the paint evenly to create a uniform impression.
Weekly Reflection

Creating these images helped me understand lino printing and develop a unique style for expressing my ideas through impression art. This exercise has broadened my capabilities and has allowed me to create imagery with an alternative, unconventional method. The effect of carving into lino on the final impression is clearer to me and I have a better understanding of how I can capture finer details while using relief methods of creating.
Week 5 Persuasive Posters with Lino Printing

Week 5 Persuasive Posters with Lino Printing
