Kallee Gibbons's profile



(image 21)

Materials used
HB 2 1/2 led pencil
Fine line pen 0.4
Mechanical Pencil 0.5 (2b)

Technique & Process
This week we were challenged to further develop our persuasive posters from the previous week. However, I decided to develop a new campaign for another environmental issue I feel passionate about. Plastic pollution in the oceans and it's devastating impact on the health and longevity of marine life. 

To begin this process I sketched out ideas for the poster. I did this exercise with a pencil, mechanical pencil and a fine line pen. During this ideation process I sketched illustrations that clearly display the issues I was addressing, using clear and impactful imagery. I developed theses ideas, see below. 

As mentioned in last week's reflection, developing original ideas for such a prevalent topic has been challenging. At the beginning of this task I was quite stumped for ideas and had to seek inspiration from environmental advertisements and protests from the past. The sketching process was easy and something I am always comfortable in doing. 
(image 22)

Materials used
HB 2 1/2 led pencil
Mechanical Pencil 0.5 (2b)
Lino block (15 x 15cm)

Technique & Process
I decided to explore the idea of the plastic soy sauce fish container further. In order to sketch this image onto the lino block I had to scale up the design. I did a light sketch with a HB pencil and a mechanical pencil. I kept the design simple yet effective with minimal lining/ detail. To transfer the design from the page to the lino block I used tracing paper. 

The sketching process was swift and enjoyable. At first I attempted to draw my design on the lino block free hand, however this created inconsistency so I erased that and started again. Using the tracing paper was very simple and aided in the successful transfer of my initial design. In future projects, the use of tracing paper will be beneficial. 
(image 23)

Materials used
Lino block (15 x 15cm)
Lino carving tools
Soft rubber roller
Block Printing Ink (Water-based) (Red)

Technique & Process
Once I was happy with my design, I began the carving process. I used the same carving shape and size throughout the design. I carved out the lines on the design and left the rest of the lino untouched to create a frame/ background for the fish. 

When apply the printing ink I used a soft rubber roller. I ensured the roller was coated with the printing ink then applied it in singular long rolls over the block to minimise the amount of paint being lifted back off. After effectively coating the block, I used a heavy textbook to press and transfer the design onto my sketchbook. As shown below, I had to do multiple trials when printing the design. I observed that the amount of pressure and ink applied determined the outcome (Transparency, colour, texture, opacity etc.). The third image below is the final lino print of this design. 

Note: I purchased my own tools for this process and worked from home. 
During my high school art classes I used lino printing often and became quite good at the entire process. However, I haven't touched a lino block in over three years. Admittedly I initially struggled with the process this time. I accidentally nicked myself a few times with the carving tools due to applying too much pressure. While creating curves and carving out longer lines I had often carved too wide or inconsistently. Due to this, some lines were thicker than I had intended. Besides that, the lino block turned out well and when applied looked pretty great. After this process I am quite confident in my ability to do lino carving and printing. 
(image 24)

Materials used
Adobe Photoshop

Technique & Process​​​​​​​

For this task I uploaded a picture of my final print to Adobe Photoshop. The first step was removing the background of the image (the sketchbook & desk). Next, I changed the size of the canvas from vertical (210 x 297mm) to horizontal (16 x 12cm). I then copied the print and pasted it five times, creating a grid of six images (2 rows, 3 columns). Next, I used the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select one. I then applied the Hue/ Saturation Adjustment Layer and adjusted the hue, saturation and lightness to create the below shades of colour. The brightness and contrast were then adjusted for the entire canvas, making the colours brighter and more distinguished. I repeated this step for each block. 

As a digital artist I am very familiar and confident with the Adobe software, especially Photoshop. I found this task enjoyable and am happy with the outcome.  
(image 25)

Adobe Photoshop

Technique & Process
This poster is a commentary on the future for marine and oceanic life. In the 2021 Australian National Plastics Plan it is estimated that the plastic in the ocean will outweigh the fish by 2050 (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, 2021). I came across this fact when researching for another unit and was genuinely appalled that I had only found this information now, two years are the reports initial release. It was then I decided to use this data for my commentary poster. I put the statement and the phrase "it's time to change" on the poster with the source further down the page. 

The use of the iconic plastic soy sauce fish container hints that in the future, those may be the most common type of fish found in the sea. The repetition of the fish was done to represent a school of fish and that despite being arranged together; they are isolated. This design is uniform and clinical, a large contrast to the free and almost messy nature of living beings. 

For this task I uploaded a picture of my final print to Adobe Photoshop. The first step was removing the background of the image (the sketchbook & desk). I then adjusted the canvas to have measurements of 18 x 12 inches (300 ppi). After doing so, I copied and pasted the design to create a grid of 24 images (7 rows, 4 columns). Next, I selected 3 of the designs to colour over with the Clone Stamp Tool. This tool was used to recreate the texture of lino printing. I then inserted the text over the blocks, using the font Bahnschrift (Bold). 

The red colour of the lino printing was kept as a reference to the colour of the soy sauce fish lids. The colour red signifies danger and is a contrasting colour to blue, the colour of the ocean. When the oceans primary inhabitants are lesser than humanity's plastic waste pollution, the ocean will no longer be a healthy eco system. That beautiful blue will be tainted with humanity's disregard and greed. This was a stylistic and symbolic colour choice. 

Overall I am very proud of this design and the overall process. I may like it even more than my persuasive ​​​​​​​poster. I believe the poster communicates the message clearly and makes clever use of design principles, colour theory and symbolism. The process was enjoyable and rewarding. 

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. (2021). National Plastics Plan 2021. In Australian Government: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Australian Government. https://www.dcceew.gov.au/environment/protection/waste/publications/national-plastics-plan 


