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Interactive Donor Video Wall

Interactive Donor video wall at Children's Medical Center in Dallas Main Lobby
Bubbles with donor names alphabetically float up slowly across the screens. Bubbles come in several  sizes; size of the bubble donates the size of each annual donation. The menu bar on the center screen allows users to search for specific donor names. When a letter is selected, screens quickly clear and all of the donor names bubbles starting with the selected alphabet appear from the bottom. Bubbles also respond to users passing nearby by wiggling together and glowing. 
Exhibit design
Project management
Media development and production management
Sketchup view from concept development
Exhibit and AV Media Design by West Office Exhibition Design
Fabrication by Pacific Studio
AV Hardware Integration by BBI Engineering
Media Engineering by Unified Field
Interactive Donor Video Wall
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Interactive Donor Video Wall

Interactive Video Wall for Annual Donor Recognition

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