Profiel van Cadyn Fauber

"Exquisite Corpse"

Intro to Relief: "Exquisite Corpse
Exquisite Corpse 

The “exquisite corpse” is a method of producing imagery invented by the surrealists. This process allowed me to become comfortable with the relief process and tools, and quickly produce an edition of prints. 
11/16, "Exquisite Corpse", Cadyn Fauber '23
Each student was given an 11”x17” sheet of copy paper. Utilizing a 9”x12” image area which will be split into three even sections, the top for the head, the middle for the torso, and the bottom for the legs/feet. 

Images were drawn directly on the paper using black markers and pens. We were to create any kind of anthropomorphic image that we wished, but it was to be organized in a “head”, “torso”, and “legs/feet” fashion. 

The sections were then cut into three pieces, traded between students and combined to make a new image. 

This image was printed using a single color on various kinds of paper. An edition of 16 were printed.
Above are mine and my classmates prints. We each used different sections of each others linoleum to create 3 unique compositions. 
"Exquisite Corpse"


"Exquisite Corpse"


Creatieve disciplines