Profil appartenant à Stefany Freitas de Sousa

Social Media Leevin Guest House - Portugal

Exciting visual brand journey to Leevin Guest House🌟

I had the incredible opportunity to lead the creation of a captivating visual identity for our brand. Our goal was to encapsulate the welcoming spirit of Portugal and the cosy atmosphere of a GUEST HOUSE

The colour palette was carefully chosen - blue, representing the essence of the LEEVIN GROUP, and orange, symbolising the breathtaking sunsets that adorn the Portuguese sky. 

This project stood out from my previous experiences. We ventured into uncharted territory, mixing collages of Faro's tourist attractions with captivating photos of the Guest House. The result? A harmonious fusion between the comfort of the company and the breathtaking views of the city.

Thank you very much for reading this far, if possible leave a like and a message, this will help my reach for new projects.

To request a quote for my work, please call me on the following contact details:

WhatsApp: +353 089 982 3061
Linkedin: Stefany Freitas

Social Media Leevin Guest House - Portugal
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Social Media Leevin Guest House - Portugal

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