People in the southern region of Kazakhstan are struggling with extremely annoying heat during summer. How can Sprite activate the brand in the region to help people cope with it? 

Solution & Execution: 
Kazakhstanis are famous for their love of fighting sports, so Sprite gave them a chance to deal with heat in local way. We built the machine based on the most instagrammable attraction, but it sprays water for the punch. Stronger the punch - longer the refreshment. Participants who shared punch-videos in stories were gifted with bottles of ice cold Sprite and exclusive stickers. We invited real fighting sports stars to promote the activation in instagram. The special one was the local internet legend Han Ata, who recently hyped in social media for a phrase: “Don’t heat up, Jackie Chan!”. 

During the activation period we counted 26,972 jabs and 35,142 hooks. Gained 5,074 UGC, reached more than 30,000 interactions and over 700,000 views in digital. But the main thing is that Sprite literally gave Kazakhstanis an opportunity to fight back against the heat.
Beat The Heat

Beat The Heat


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