Cyberpunk 2077" is a groundbreaking video game that has captivated audiences with its immersive and dystopian vision of the future. In this open-world RPG, players are transported to the sprawling metropolis of Night City in the year 2077, a city characterized by its dazzling neon lights, towering skyscrapers, and a gritty underbelly of crime and corruption. Inspired by the rich visual aesthetics and cyberpunk themes of "Cyberpunk 2077," my thesis project leverages the power of Photoshop to create mood boards that capture the essence of this futuristic world.
These mood boards serve as a creative exploration of the game's visual elements, from its futuristic fashion and cybernetic enhancements to its dynamic cityscape and cyberpunk-inspired architecture. By drawing from the game's design, my project aims to convey the fusion of high-tech futurism and urban decay that defines the cyberpunk genre. Through the lens of "Cyberpunk 2077," I delve into the interplay between technology, society, and the human experience, providing a visual narrative that mirrors the game's thematic depth.
Incorporating elements of neon, dystopian cityscapes, and the fusion of man and machine, my mood boards pay homage to "Cyberpunk 2077" while contributing to a broader exploration of cyberpunk aesthetics in various media forms. As I embark on my thesis journey, I hope to capture the essence of this iconic video game and use it as a source of inspiration to delve deeper into the world of cyberpunk and its enduring cultural impact.
Cyberpunk 2077 Story Boards


Cyberpunk 2077 Story Boards
