Caroline Thanh Tran 님의 프로필

Satirical Illustrations in Fanzine

Den Offisielle Bunadsguiden
— Satirical Illustrations in Fanzine
As times change, traditions and rules will most likely have to be adapted to the lifestyles of new generations. This project is a fanzine consisting of a series of satirical illustrations which questions whether or not people can wear the Norwegian national costume, bunad, in another way than intended. The fanzine portrays a small selection of different popular regional costume designs, showcasing the pride Norwegians take in their traditions.
Contains resources designed by PuneDesign

The Obscure Interest Organization Ancient Bunads. Learn the correct way of bunad usage - in time for May 17th! (Norway's Constitution Day)
The illustrations were inspired by identity issues concerning whether or not immigrants or people with immigrant backround "feel Norwegian". As I thought of the most represented traditions in Norwegian culture, bunad was one of the first things that came to mind. The illustrations show in a humoristic way the different consequences if we were to still have an old mindset, giving perspective on how quick things change.
Left image: Made in Norway. The bunads are not to be mass produced in China, rather they should be hand embroidered and sewn by Norwegian grandmas. 

Right image: Dressy umbrella. If They do not have the correct umbrella matching the bunad, They must settle down with being without one and hope for nice weather (showcasing Bergen which is one of the Norwegian cities with the most downpour.​​​​​​​
The people behind the bunad's guide is thought out to be an organization named "Oldtidens Bunaders Obskure Interesseorganisasjon" (The Obscure Interest Organization Ancient Bunads" shortened OBOI, teaching you how to wear the bunad in a proper manner. Creating the identity of the sender sets a guideline on how to better connect the text with the illustrations.
Left image: Natural face. Air the pores and carry Their natural face, this day is for the bunad to shine!

Right image: Sunglasses are a no-no! It is prefered to be blinded, rather than spoil the bunad with something so unceremonious as sunglasses.​​​​​​​
Satirical Illustrations in Fanzine


Satirical Illustrations in Fanzine


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