Perfil de Bao Ngoc Nguyen

3Cs Capaign: Conscience, Courage and Consent

The 3Cs Campaign - Conscience, Courage and Consent aims to reduce the bad effects of tiger parenting on children. The campaign informs parents about tiger parenting and suggests viable solutions. 

Some parents follow the saying “spare the rod, spoil the child,” leading to children being strictly directed by their parents. However, this can backfire, making children rebellious and hard to control. Many parents now prioritize fostering their children’s confidence with gentle and loving communication. 

A nurturing environment contributes to children’s growth, where they not only learn obedience but also self-sufficiency. It’s challenging for both children and parents to adapt and embrace change for education and growth. “Conscience” helps unveil children’s potential through understanding, “Courage” enables them to discover hidden talents, and “Consent” aids in accepting experiences and managing emotions.

The highlight of the campaign is a documentary short video with the application of collage motion. The documentary mentions the shocking case of Jennifer Pan - a Vietnamese-born female student who hired assassins to kill her biological parents in 2010. The case leads to a debate about the undeniable details related to the education method of 'tiger parents'. Tiger parenting is then mentioned with its definition, underlying causes, and influence of the 'tiger parent's education method' on children. The documentary video ends by offering parents as well as guardians solutions, educational orientation, and advice. 
3Cs Capaign: Conscience, Courage and Consent

3Cs Capaign: Conscience, Courage and Consent
