Henkilön Jason Lam Yik Shing profiili

Profile Océan Indien Social media post

Here's a breakdown of a social media post I have designed for a local company.

The goal was to promote their Metal roofing solutions.

They offer a reasonable range of color palette for both their standard coating and their Thermatech coating (Thermatech is a layer of protection which makes your roof more resistant to heat. Thus, leaving your home with a more pleasant/cooler environment) .

My client had provided me some photos and information about their product and I had to think about a way to design a simple, attractive and informative post to promote it's product in respect of their brand's image.

I've made use of a vertical grid as it would enable me to take advantage of the vertical display of a phone to showcase the color palette. (how I wish Instagram would introduce full screen statics. It would open new horizons to creators and allow us offer a more immersive experience when browsing this kind of content).

After a few revisions and feedback from my client, we agreed that there should be another way to differentiate the standard coating color palette with Thermatech.

So, I made use of colour toning techniques on the texts within the Thermatech section. Part of designing the post was also the copywriting part; A summary of the advantages of Thermatech, a call to action which would encourage the audience to interact with the page and a little background on the company. 

There's more to it but I know you're as busy as a bee. Take it as my brief breakdown of this work which I hope you learned something and if you'd like to see the post, I've placed a link for both Facebook and Instagram versions.
Profile Océan Indien Social media post


Profile Océan Indien Social media post
