Profil użytkownika „J.V. Rodriguez”

Chicago RUSH - Branding & Identity

RUSH is a gaming organization based in Chicago, Illinois. The organization competes in several video games, including Apex Legends, Call of Duty, League of Legends and Valorant. As a startup, RUSH was looking to establish a cohesive design system that reflects their brand's value and message. 

The branding for the team is centered around their home city of Chicago. Visually, the city is known for its urban cityscapes as well as the prominent underground street art and graffiti that can be seen anywhere: from murals to graffiti tags blasted on the highways. Keeping the visuals of Chicago in mind, I decided to create a design language that could help bring this brand to life.

Client: Chicago RUSH
Deliverables: Creative direction and branding

Logo & Typography
Color Palette
Team Jersey
Social Media Graphics
Chicago RUSH - Branding & Identity


Chicago RUSH - Branding & Identity
