Hannah Williams sin profil

Little Endeavors, Passion Project

Dani is a 29 year old mother to a 4 year old, and pregnant with her second child now. She understands that not everyone has the luxury of avoiding it, but she has always had very strong opinions about parents who give their children Ipads to entertain/distract them or stick their children in front of a tv when they’re busy. The last 2 years, Dani has been trying to prepare to send her oldest to school for the first time. But in todays world, she knows that even at school, they will have access to computers, tablets, and TVs. She understands that the computers and tablets can be used for learning games, but fully believes they are unnecessary. Dani is a strong believer that screens slow down the developmental process, hinders the learning experience, and creates behavioral issues. She did not want to send her children to a school that would allow screens, especially when she could just as easily do that at home. Thus, the idea for Little Endeavors was born. She did some research and discovered forest schools, schools where children spend time outside and are guided by their own curiosity. This allows the children to learn at their own pace as well. Unfortunately, there isn’t a school like that in her entire state, and she knows other parents have the same concern from speaking to them in facebook groups and seeing their posts on social media. Little Endeavors will be the first school like this in Danis state, Oklahoma, and she wants it to be successful so that her own children may experience it. 

I created a logo suite and color palette for Dani. I also created social media mockups, a basic landing page design for a website, illustrations and a pattern. 

*It is important to note that this brand is fictitious and so is the story. I do not own any rights to the photos used for the branding. 
Little Endeavors, Passion Project


Little Endeavors, Passion Project
