Profil appartenant à Morgan Skillicorn

Graphs++ Unity Editor Graph Renderer

Fourth Year Honours Project
For my final year honours project at Abertay University I undertook a research project entitled "Using Orthogonal Unit Differentiation To Design Tools For Weapon Balancing In First-Person Shooter Games". The primary goal of this project was to research the process of designing tools in the Unity game engine and the use of orthogonal unit differentiation as a tool for weapon balancing. My Unity graphs tool "Graphs ++" played a large part in this project and allowed for the analysis of abstract game data in the Unity editor. The tool allows users to generate responsive, scalable graphs to help make more informed design choices in a way that was not possible previously. I am still working on this project and hope to release a version of it soon.
Graphs++ Unity Editor Graph Renderer
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Graphs++ Unity Editor Graph Renderer

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