Thao (Tru) Pham さんのプロファイル

Intermittent Fasting Brochure - Vietnamese

Virtue Medical Group had a vision of creating an informative brochure to show the advantages of intermittent fasting, catering specifically to the Vietnamese-speaking demographic. This material was intended to be distributed across various medical facilities as well as in-house.

When presented with this substantial block of text, I recognized the need to enhance readability and comprehension. Given my limited proficiency in Vietnamese, I referred back to the English version to segment the essay into easily digestible portions. I introduced clear headers for each section and broke down the body into more manageable segments. Additionally, I implemented larger fonts and increased line spacing, enhancing text legibility. To emphasize critical information, I employed bold red text, and thoughtfully selected relevant images to complement each page. This approach aimed to create a more engaging and accessible resource for the target audience.
Intermittent Fasting Brochure - Vietnamese
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Intermittent Fasting Brochure - Vietnamese

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