Sammy Dutto profili

Silas Character Concept Art

Costume variations to give her a veil of mistery, using a color palette that evokes a sense of darkness.
Inspired by superheroes in the film industry, 
I assumed to receive a brief to create a character capable of serving as both a protagonist and antagonist. 

- Align character appearance to its background story. 
- Meet quality standards for junior concept artist role. 
- Create costumes and props based on sci-fi/superhero aesthetic.
- Enhance its personality by maintaining a dark atmosphere.

- Deep research into Sci-Fi/Superhero-themed movies and videogames. 
- Experimented with its body transformation and costumes 
- Opted for realistic style, showcasing my studies, to approach industry standards.

Silas, born in a towering metropolis above an uninhabited Earth, ventures into the mysterious abyss below. 
Discovering the ability to impersonate those she gazes at, she becomes consumed by this power, losing her own identity. The once insecure girl transforms into a mysterious figure in the city's shadows. Will there still be hope for her?
Before and after face view with focus on her expression to enhance the effect of her transformation.
Facial appearance explorations with before/after haircut to enrich her personality
Face turnaround to simplify tasks for 3d artist and to understand her shapes from different views.
Initial concepts to visualize her look and express her personality through costumes and expressions.
Aura and eyes explorations with the aim of finding the look that can best convey the magical power is possessing her #1
Aura and eyes explorations with the aim of finding the look that can best convey the magical power is possessing her #2
Front and back from sketch, to show her full appearance.
Before and after her transformation, full body view with choosen costume.
Silas Character Concept Art
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Silas Character Concept Art

Silas Character Design

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