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Sprawl Trilogy Bookcovers


The first book of the series that gave birth to the cyberpunk genre.
The main character, Cage, is a talented hacker who steals from the wrong people. His abilities are taken from him until a mysterious stranger approaches him with an offer to restore them. For an appropriate price, of course.

All covers are based on Tarot cards and their archetypes.
Figure of Cage strikes me with Hanged Man energy, someone suspended and motionless, who don't fight for himself.

Count Zero

The second book follows beginner hacker Bobby, also known as Count Zero. In afford to become someone, he takes upon himself the test of the new program, which almost kills him. In the aftermath of this, he becomes entwined in a bigger, scarier plot.

Count Zero is represented by the Mage tarot card, which represents youthful will to make changes, potential, and faith in one's abilities.

Mona Lisa Overdrive

The final book of the series follows a few threads from previous books. The final scene is a thing of beauty, with two of the main characters uploading themselves to cyberspace somewhere beyond the stars.

The card I chose for Mona Lisa Overdrive is the Fool, someone who steps into one's future, ready for whatever comes next.

Sprawl Trilogy Bookcovers


Sprawl Trilogy Bookcovers

Fan project for one of my favorites series of book, ever. Book mockups: Read More
