Profil von Gunter kinomoto

Ikebana Boy ( ILLUSTRATION )

This is a dedication to the messianic world church in Brazil ( Sekai Kyusei Kyo ) that shows how important the mission of art and beauty is in human life.

Hiro is an art and handsome boy; he has affinity
with all kinds of art, be it painting and drawings,
poems and songs. he saves his friends by taking the beauty
to their hearts.
He changes the color of his glasses and vest all day, in order to
to take beauty also in clothing. he too
strives to create beauty in the environment, so he
always picks up trash off the floor and throws it in the trash thinking that
The next person who walks by will feel better
with a more beautiful and cleaner street
Knowing that the construction of this
ideal world is not far from
us, but in deed, word, think
ments or any activity,
  that are capable of transforming
feelings and character, just
employ spirituality
of and art in our daily lives

Ikebana Boy ( ILLUSTRATION )


Ikebana Boy ( ILLUSTRATION )
