Lilian Flis profili

Family Reunion Branding Project

This case study explores the branding behind a family reunion titled "TBWE" which stands for "The Best Week Ever". It is something my family hosts every year, alongside a pig roast, that we plan and schedule and share amongst our closest family members and friends. In this case study, all aspects of the family reunion are touched on, from T-shirt design, to invitation, as well as social media posts and even the itinerary for the day.
T-shirt design for a family get-together 
The Design for the T-shirt
A Mock-Up of the "Sunset" T-shirt design
A Mock-Up of the "Sunrise" T-shirt design
Everyone wearing the shirts!
Color Palette 
These are the colors that will be used in this case study
These are a few of the icons that will be used on the different pieces of branding in this case study
The T-shirt design with certain pieces filled in for use on other artifacts
Family Reunion Branding Project
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Family Reunion Branding Project

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