How far are we from putting a tag on humans? 
A speculative Design project aimed to speculate the extent of human behaviour in a manner of satire to warn us of how the world might look like if we promote the things we do today in the realm of Fine Dining.
Well yes Here’s how:
By selling each part of your body you could make more than most individuals do in their whole lives
Many cultures, like the Mexicans, celebrate their dead. ElDia de los Muertos or the Day of the dead, celebrates life and death. Mexicans during this festival honor their dead.
Most families have become so comfortable with the topic of death that they can sit down over their dinner table and talk about funeral arrangements with their grandfather who’s sat at the very table about how he’d like it to go. 

And what’s so wrong about that? Choice in your own death is a luxury even prisoners on death row enjoy in their last meal.
Currently, we’re seeing a rise in people who request for euthanasia. Imagine how passionate one must be to reach sweet release if they can write a formal appeal requesting for it.
However, when they are denied this formal appeal, they resort to guns, cliffs and blades to meet death. 

Many start to get creative with ways they could do it.
So why not? Wouldn’t you rather be able to choose? Whether you want to be thrown, shot, hung, injected or… eaten?
One of our many REAL LIFE inspirations is the case of Armando. Who met his willing partner in an online chatroom. They were a perfect match. Maevis wanted to eat a young 30-year-old and Brandes a young 30-year-old who wanted to be eaten. So they met up, and Mr. Maevis assisted Brandes with his one true fantasy of being eaten.
So in 2040, a world where your fantasies of death are unjudged, we bring to you “Roast”
Our in-house app, where you can eat whatever your heart desires, even a heart itself.
So how would Roast make a change in this new future?
Speculative Design


Speculative Design
