youli youjie's profile

Small Reunions 小团圆

  Every single step of the way, I paid for you .
The brand story is originate from the novel small reunion written by Eileen Chang ,to ask the people in this busy modern city, has the relationship still simple and pure as ever? Are we tied too tense By jobs to make contact with relatives  around us? “Small reunion” is just a medium, let us sit together and feeling the warm between each other as before.因此,这个品牌重点呈现的并不是产品本身,而是藉由来自万水千山之外的高品质的梯田大米,缩短人与人、心与心之间的距离。
Therefore, the key point which the brand present focus is not the product itself, but the concept that people shorten the distance between heart and heart by high-quality terraced-field-rice which travel across the numerous world .
In order to share this treasure to more people, we creating in a new way that combined the lofty overtone of Pu'er and the magnificent grand terrace landscape through the modern design tactics and packaging technology. And finally we did not live up to what we expectation.
Small Reunions 小团圆

Project Made For

Small Reunions 小团圆

为每一次小团圆,历经千山万水 以张爱玲小姐同名小说《小团圆》为品牌故事,向过于繁忙的现代都市人发问,曾经淳朴、纯净的人际关系还在吗,我们是不是被工作追得太紧,以至于常常忽略了身边最亲的那些人?小团圆其实只是一个媒介,它让我们坐在一起,感受彼此之间依旧温暖的关系。 因此,这个品牌重点呈现的并 Read More
