VIWELL Visual Brand Guideline

At VIWELL, the goal was simple but bold: to make a platform for holistic wellbeing that people could use at any point in their health path. The project needed a good balance between how it looks, how good the information is, and how it works for the user.

Logo Design
When thinking about VIWELL's character, the first thing I did was make a logo that shows what we stand for. The VI stands for the number 6 in the roman clock; the number 6 represents VIWELL's six wellbeing bills. I wanted it to be simple but still stand out.

Visual Guidelines
Creating a visual language for VIWELL wasn't just about making it look good; it was also about making people feel confident, calm, and upbeat. From choosing color palettes that make people feel calm to deciding on easy-on-the-eye fonts, the visual rules were carefully thought out to give users an immersive experience.
VIWELL Visual Guideline 
I was heading the content team at VIWELL where Wellbeing Library was produced , A wide variety of video, audio and textual content covering each of the six pillars of wellbeing by leading global health and wellness experts in both Arabic and English.
VIWELL Brand Guideline
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VIWELL Brand Guideline

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