Baarish is a collection of whimsical instruments that illustrate the sounds of rain and its heavenly orchestral accomplices, wind and thunder
Rain, is not just a physical result of evaporation but an emotional connection to each and every one of us. The sounds of rain resonate within us. Our stress seems to immediately seep through our bodies, leaving our muscles drenched with calmness and serenity. Our bodies seem to be biologically in tune with this, almost as if it is our basic instinct to relax and let go, just as the skies did a few minutes ago.

Baarish is an attempt to make the magic of rain eternal.Rain can mean everything all at the same time. Anger, content, despair, sorrow, guilt, loss, victory absolutely anything and this is what makes it such a spectacle. Because it is a means by which we connect. And connection is miraculous.
The wind stick
The sound of the gentle breeze brings in a sense of optimism that the present parched land will be quenched with the first rains of the year. The monsoon breezes are what we wait for all year round

The Thunder drum
This is the element of the monsoons that makes it all the more exciting and sometimes nerve-racking for us to endure. Still, the rain wouldn’t be complete without this constant rumbling in the background

The Rain stick
This is the main element of the set. This is the soothing element. The gentle, constant flow of water calms us down and relaxes our tense nerves. It truly is happy day!
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This was part of a branding project that i did in college. We were asked to brand a mundane / abstract concept and I chose to brand the sounds of Lire la suite

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