Zakaria Bourouba™ profili

Radost visual identity critique and redesign

The project: Radost soft drinks and pasteries (ex-restaurant)
The main problem: A huge loss of clients due to the wrong case study. The team also kept the same visual identity while changing the restaurant into a sort of a coffee shop.

The solution: trying to solve the mistake that had been done, I briefly presented the rebrand that is believed to attract lost audience and incite them to approach what they have been fearing all from the start. The most important element was changing the upperclass look, from the logo concept to the brand mood, turning everything into a youth-wise place suitable for the exact location of the ex-restaurant Radost, which is a favourable pool of students, pupils and young couples. 

Rebrand details: My main focus was removing any sign of frightening luxury that could invoke high prices and inaccessible goods; more specifically, I selected a youthful typography, and tweaked it to invert the effect of the old logo, especially on the "O", the vibe and even the color palette to match the preference of the target audience. The wavy pattern, color scheme, brand mood were all tailored to express accessibility and class for little money. And that is what most algerians do fancy in a restaurant or a coffee shop.

The presentation was intentianally made short to preserve any reproduction of the rebrand for copyrights.

Radost visual identity critique and redesign
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Radost visual identity critique and redesign

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