Profilo di Ti-Ming Chu


Branding / Visual Identity

Aesthetic medicine has gained widespread popularity over time. Regardless of one's gender or age, the innate human inclination towards beauty is universal. With the recent removal of the public mask mandate in Taiwan, the field of medical aesthetics is experiencing unprecedented growth with promising future prospects.

Founded in June 2009, DRX Dermatology Clinic is dedicated to the fields of aesthetic medicine and medical dermatology. In 2015, the clinic underwent significant growth and relocated to Sanchong District in New Taipei City, subsequently rebranding itself as DRX Medical Group Practice. Under the guidance of Director Chen Zhi-Liang, DRX comprises a team of four highly skilled professional dermatologists, forming a well-rounded medical and management team. The original DRX Dermatology Clinic led by Dr. Zhuang Ying-Yan now functions as the aesthetic medical department within DRX Medical Group Practice.

To maintain a consistent visual identity for DRX, the parent company, DRX Biotech International Company Limited, must revamp its branding strategy to establish a stronger connection with its subsidiary brands. The original brand logo has been retained with various modifications. A modern and minimalist branding concept for DRX has been developed, incorporating four key elements: "Flow," "Precise" (Precision), "Curve," and "Smooth" (Smoothness).

Brand Info
Known for its effective treatments for atrophic acne scars, DRX excels in the field of aesthetic dermatology, offering clients a comprehensive medical skincare service that adheres to international standards. They achieve this by utilizing state-of-the-art medical equipment and providing tailored treatment services.

In 2019, DRX doctors launched the DRX Series Skincare Team, which conducts further research to develop their own cosmetic brand in support of dermatology treatments. The founder of DRX, Dr. Zhuang Ying-Yan, brings decades of experience in dermatology treatment to the table. In a commitment to skincare enthusiasts worldwide, Dr. Zhuang gathers firsthand feedback from clients and incorporates them into his research to support the development of DRX Skincare products. All DRX Skincare ingredients undergo rigorous laboratory and clinical examinations before the products are made available to you, ensuring they effectively address concerns such as wrinkles, oily skin, or dull complexion.

Concept & Strategy
In redesigning the DRX logo, we opted to retain its original form while making subtle structural adjustments to align with the overall design grid. We refined the spacing and curvature to harmonize with the design's layout. New visual components were also introduced to infuse elements that resonate with both DRX’s aesthetic medical treatments and cosmetic products.

Furthermore, we enhanced the consistency of the font style and weight to achieve a more cohesive visual identity. The concept of "high-end branding" can vary in interpretation, and to align with Dr. Zhuang's original vision, we redefined the brand's imagery by making modifications to the fonts and establishing clear brand color standards. These design principles will extend across various media platforms, culminating in a fresh, polished appearance for DRX that upholds its core values and vision.

Forward To The Future
Dr. Zhuang Ying-Yan, a renowned YouTuber known for debunking common skincare myths, particularly in the realm of acne scar treatments, shares his personal approach to achieving healthy and balanced skincare with his Chinese audience. He does so in a straightforward and invigorating manner, aimed at helping individuals address common concerns like wrinkles, oily skin, and dull complexion.

The DRX skincare series not only aids clients in achieving healthier skin but also embodies Dr. Zhuang's philosophy of "respecting your skin, understanding its needs, and avoiding excessive skincare." He firmly believes that effective skincare involves a deep understanding of your skin's actual requirements. Dr. Zhuang is committed to sharing his concepts of intelligent, uncomplicated, and appropriate beauty regimen with skincare enthusiasts worldwide while continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation in the field of dermatology.

隨著時代改變,醫美也逐漸融入大家的生活,不分性別與年齡,愛美是人的天性,隨著口罩的解封,醫美產業也回復以往生機,甚至產值更勝以往,美上美皮膚科醫美診所成立於民國2009年六月,從事健保皮膚科門診與醫學美容。2015年九月擴大營業並且遷址到目前的三重區,成為「達昇聯合診所」健保皮膚科,由陳智亮院長帶領四位出類拔萃的皮膚專科醫師,擁有優良的醫療團隊與經營團隊。 美上美皮膚科則為醫美部,由莊盈彥醫師率領實力堅強的特約陣容。

為了讓個品牌的視覺產出更有一致性,美上美需要制定一套品牌形象,我們為此在保留原標誌設計處理並制定了新的規範。我們將原本的標誌進行優化,並賦予「流動 Flow」、「精準 Precise」、「曲線 Curve 」、「平滑 Smooth 」四個意象為標誌設計的主要概念,同時結合因應需求的基本規範架構,最終產生一套現代且簡約的品牌規範。

品牌背景 Brand Info
在競爭激烈的市場中,由凹疤治療打響名聲,並致力於醫學美容治療、醫學護膚與保養的整體皮膚專業,為了帶給消費者最完善的醫療服務,在療程與儀器設備上更是不斷更新與國際最新技術接軌。並在2019年創立了DRX達特仕保養品團隊,以專科醫師的視角,研發有效輔助醫美治療的保養品牌,DRX是由擁有數十年經驗的皮膚科醫生 莊盈彥所創立,莊醫師收集來自顧客皮膚的即時回饋,旨將簡單、經典的成分傳遞給世界各地的保養愛好者。在我們將產品提供給您之前,我們會通過全面的實驗室、臨床和安全研究來審查我們的所有配方,幫助您對抗皺紋、油性肌與暗沉膚等問題。

概念與策略 Concept & Strategy

未來展望 Forward To The Futurity
作為治療痘疤和錯誤保養謠言的揭發者同時也是人氣 Youtuber莊盈彥醫師,莊醫師用聰明、簡潔的保養建議和令人耳目一新的方式告訴華人他對簡單的護膚程序與健康、平衡的皮膚的重視,幫助您對抗皺紋、油性肌與暗沉膚等問題,同時DRX系列產品也讓消費者以擁有更健康的皮膚與生活,莊盈彥醫師將「尊重皮膚、了解皮膚功能和避免過度保養」的概念體現在 DRX產品的創新和發展理念中,要讓您獲得你的皮膚真正需要的成分,保養就是尊重皮膚、了解皮膚功能和避免過度保養,讓皮膚獲得真正需要的成分。聰明、簡潔的保養建議將簡單、經典的成分傳遞給世界各地的保養愛好者。也一起探索護膚領域的最新創新。

Type|Visual Identity
Project Manager|Yu-Ting Hsueh
VI Design|Ti-Ming Chu
Photography|Zih-Ying Wu
Model|Shiao-Wen Gu
Special Thank|Wen-Ting LeeYi-Jan Ho

design by Ti-Ming Chu Workshop




在保留原標誌設計處理並制定了新的規範。我們將原本的標誌進行優化,並賦予「流動 Flow」、「精準 Precise」、「曲線 Curve 」、「平滑 Smooth 」四個意象為標誌設計的主要概念,同時結合因應需求的基本規範架構,最終產生一套現代且簡約的品牌規範。
